“Reconnecting to the innate Wisdom within us.”

Listening Into The Depths Of Our Bodies

Welcome to the world of inner paradigm shifts…

Where mind and body come back into integration – no more power over or power under – just power.

No more hiding – just Freedom.
A world of less (over)thinking, less (inner)chatting and more embodiment, meditation, wisdom.

A space where we practice presencing and connecting to what is happening within, knowing it influences our reality without.

Are You ready?

My approach invites you to include your old structures and to break free at the same time.

To include Your knowledge and yet to find Your inner wisdom.
To feel Your pain, yet to remember you are Love.

It’s a world of embracing paradoxes and finding safety in the unknown, in the mystery of both Life and Death.

After 13 years…

As a licensed psychologist and a few as a scientist in between, it’s been my own journey outgrowing the old structure and breaking out of limitations of traditional western psychology, science, religion, society – yet embracing these stuructures as part of my physical reality.

The best I can describe it is continuously learning to walk and navigate between worlds, while recognizing they are one at the same time – and practicing doing this with grace, surrendering into easeful action.


Some of the keywords:

Presence, Wisdom, Embodiment, Feeling beyond the Feelings, Surrender, and Trust.

I hold Presence in a compassionate and loving space, from an open body, open mind so your system gets to feel safe to open up as well.

Then, allowing the aliveness that wants to flow to come in, to vibrate through the stuckness.

And for the Love that IS to transform and dissolve whatever doesn’t match its frequency.

So the main tools we use are embodiment, feeling and conscious awareness.

Once the body is open and receptive, we work with the Wisdom that comes through.

For Whom?

I work best with people who are on their remembering journey, starting to see there is more to reality than meets the eye.

Those who are ready to trust that going in will support going out, focusing on the present moment rather than fixing something externally, while trusting that the wisdom for the next steps will be revealed.

People who are open to feeling their bodies, their subtle physiological and energetic sensations not just their thoughts and emotions.

Those who understand that this is both a very simple and a very challenging journey at the same time.

This work is for those who are willing to go into the depths of their being, knowing that it is not traditional therapy or counseling.

Or perhaps, it is for those who don’t fully understand why they are drawn to this, but feel a strong pull and choose to trust that signal.

… is that You?


Will we give our consent to reconnect with it, as it?